Thursday, August 27, 2009

Shrinks for Pets

I often thought while Ariel was sick and Prowler was reacting to her illness that he needed a shrink. While browsing the web one day, I came across a "Pet Communicator" that helps deal with pet issues.

I looked over her site and it was very interesting. I suggest giving it a whirl!


Long Absense

I know it has been a while since I posted. I could not bring myself to come here because the pain from losing Ariel was too fresh. I am going to try to post more here as this is a great way to communicate with all my friends, old and new.

I wrote this for my Creative Writing class and I wanted to share it.


her claws
poke out to knead,
puncture through skin.
I stroke
along her soft fur,
scratching down the cat's spine.
Heart beating
strongly against mine
the memory fades
and I still miss her.

Her life: cherished from adoption to eternity